Data Layout for supersic87_7299_06_penmod (v15) column 1 - 4 digit SIC (1987 revision) column 2 - year column 3 - import penetration = imports/(shipments-exports+imports) Data Layout for supersic87_7299_06_tf (v15) column 1 - 4 digit SIC (1987 revision) column 2 - year column 3 - import weighted average tariff (duties/customs value) column 4 - import weighted freight rate (1-cif/fob) Data Layout for supersic87_7299_06_lwc (v15) column 1 - 4 digit SIC (1987 revision) column 2 - year column 3 - share of imports from countries with <5% US PCGDP column 4 - share of hs10 products in industry sourced from at least one country with <5% of US PCGDP Notes 1. Not all sic's are present. See notes in text of referenced papers